Monday, January 25, 2010

Manuel's Apples

If everyday Manuel brought home a green apple, and every three days he brought home a red one. After three weeks how many red apples will Manuel have brought home? How many green apples will he have brought home?

This problem can be solved using what we call "Algebra". "Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set and are used to represent quantities and to express general relationships that hold for all members of the set."

To better understand this concept, let us explore the previous story problem.

Step 1: To solve this problem, we could say that because Manuel gets 1 apple for every day we must figure out how many apples he has after 3 weeks. There are 7 days in one week, so for three weeks we could use the equation 7days=1week, so for 3 weeks, it would be 7 times 3. This can be written algebraically as: 7days=1week, ____days=3w, so 7*3=21, therefore 21 days=3weeks.

Step 2: Because he gets 1 green apple each day, 1green apple=1day, therefore 21greenapples=21days.


Step 3: Manuel gets one red apple every three days. Over the 21 day period, he will get one red apple every three days. This can be written algebraically as: 21days=3r. We use the variable "r" to represent the red apples.

21 days=3r or 21days=

Step 4: By using this equation, we can divide: 21days/3r=7. Therefore, after 21 days, Manuel will have 7 red apples.

21 days=

Now we can safely say that after 3 weeks, Manuel will have 21 green apples and 7 red apples.

3 weeks=


  1. This is a great activity for those students who are beginning to learn algebra. I like how you provided pictures to explain each step. It will come in handy for those students who learn best with things that are presented to them visually.

  2. I think that showing students this example is a very good idea. Showing and example with something that students have seen almost everyday of their life, makes it easier for them to understand. It is also a good idea because they are more comfortable and gives them something to relate too.

  3. what a creative idea to use in the classroom. I agree with Desiree, the fact that students use/eat/see apples everyday makes it interesting for them to understand the problem. This is a fantastic idea!
